NILOUFAR NOURI                                         ABOUT




Hamyan is a virtual internal credit card for Irankhodro employees. The concept we developed offers an integrated and innovative method for users to obtain virtual credit from various sources within the company and utilize this credit to access services and products.The challenge was managing the huge amount of sensor data and choosing what’s most important for users to see. We began with in-depth research to understand user needs, which led to a clear, actionable interface. Aqua App empowers users to make smart decisions, keeping water systems safe and reliable.


Hamyan is a virtual internal credit card for Irankhodro employees. The concept we developed offers an integrated and innovative method for users to obtain virtual credit from various sources within the company and utilize this credit to access services and products.The challenge was managing the huge amount of sensor data and choosing what’s most important for users to see. We began with in-depth research to understand user needs, which led to a clear, actionable interface. Aqua App empowers users to make smart decisions, keeping water systems safe and reliable.

The Challenge

Business Objectives

How can we seamlessly design and integrate a virtual credit card within our app to work with all services and enhance the user experience in receiving them?​

User Goal

From a user point of view, my goal was to ensure that the overall system is integrated and easy to use and help them to easily get loan contract for our services through the use of Hamyan credit card.

The Challenge

Business Objectives

How can we seamlessly design and integrate a virtual credit card within our app to work with all services and enhance the user experience in receiving them?

User Goal

From a user point of view, my goal was to ensure that the overall system is integrated and easy to use and help them to easily get loan contract for our services through the use of Hamyan credit card.

My Role

I took our idea and turned it into a real product by working closely with UX Designers, Product Manager, Technical lead, and Marketing Lead. Here's what I did:

1. I talked to users to understand what they want.
2. I made sure the way users navigate through the new feature is easy and tested its integration with our other features.
3. I created the Hamyan virtual card, making sure it is compliant with the guidelines of our current credit system.

My Role

I took our idea and turned it into a real product by working closely with UX Designers, Product Manager, Technical lead, and Marketing Lead. Here's what I did:

1. I talked to users to understand what they want.
2. I made sure the way users navigate through the new feature is easy and tested its integration with our other features.
3. I created the Hamyan virtual card, making sure it is compliant with the guidelines of our current credit system.

The Solution

Through extensive research and understanding of user behaviors, we developed the Hamyan Virtual Credit Card to seamlessly integrate into our system. In the current system, users face complex validation processes before requesting a new loan. Additionally, if they lack sufficient credit, they must explore alternative options before submitting a loan request. The Hamyan virtual credit card simplifies this by offering a one-step validation process for obtaining loans. By consolidating all user credits into a single platform, the need for validation when requesting different loan services is eliminated. Users can easily access loans for various services as long as the card has sufficient credit available. This streamlined approach enhances user convenience and simplifies the loan process, leading to a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

The Solution

Through extensive research and understanding of user behaviors, we developed the Hamyan Virtual Credit Card to seamlessly integrate into our system. In the current system, users face complex validation processes before requesting a new loan. Additionally, if they lack sufficient credit, they must explore alternative options before submitting a loan request. The Hamyan virtual credit card simplifies this by offering a one-step validation process for obtaining loans. By consolidating all user credits into a single platform, the need for validation when requesting different loan services is eliminated. Users can easily access loans for various services as long as the card has sufficient credit available. This streamlined approach enhances user convenience and simplifies the loan process, leading to a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

How we got there...

How will the Hamyan Card fit within our eco-system? RESEARCH!

Empathy Workshops​

It was an internal service for company employees, so we easily find people to empathize with. Although we all were working at the same situation, but we got surprised from different perspectives.

Focus Groups

Together with our marketing lead and Loan department supervisor, we conducted focus groups with employees in different branches of the company to understand the common pain points that users have in loan contacts and pays.

Competitive Audits

On the Product side, in collaboration with other UX designers, we conducted research through competitive analysis, which involved gathering screenshots and mocking up flows of various finance apps. This allowed us to identify market trends and gain usability insights to prioritize features effectively.

How we got there...

How will the Hamyan Card fit within our eco-system? RESEARCH!

Empathy Workshops

It was an internal service for company employees, so we easily find people to empathize with. Although we all were working at the same situation, but we got surprised from different perspectives.

Focus Groups​

Together with our marketing lead and Loan department supervisor, we conducted focus groups with employees in different branches of the company to understand the common pain points that users have in loan contacts and pays.​

Competitive Audits​

On the Product side, in collaboration with other UX designers, we conducted research through competitive analysis, which involved gathering screenshots and mocking up flows of various finance apps. This allowed us to identify market trends and gain usability insights to prioritize features effectively.

The Story

He is Ali!

A developer, working at Irankhodro.

His company has an internal app that offers different services with loan contracts.

Ali needs some of these services.

He went through the app and submitted the request.

The request is immediately sent to the operator, who then validates Ali’s credit.

He has enough credit, so operator finalizes his contract, after one day.

Ummm... great!

ALi wants to request another service

Again submit the request through the app and the operator checks his credit...

Again, It takes a day!

Too frustrating!

What Happened?!

“I've already validated for the previous service. Why do they need to go through this endless process again?”

He said

Guess What?

Ali doesn’t have enough credit for the second service!

He should first increase his credit, then repeat the entire process again.

It’s a total disaster!

The Story

He is Ali!

A developer, working at Irankhodro.

His company has an internal app that offers different services with loan contracts.

Ali needs some of these service

He went through the app and submitted the request.

The request is immediately sent to the operator, who then validates Ali’s credit.

He has enough credit, so operator finalizes his contract, after one day.

Ummm... great!

ALi wants to request another service

Again submit the request through the app and the operator checks his credit...

Again, It takes a day!

Too frustrating!

What Happened?!

“I've already validated for the previous service. Why do they need to go through this endless process again?”

He said

Guess What?

Ali doesn’t have enough credit for the second service!

He should first increase his credit, then repeat the entire process again.

It’s a total disaster!

ResEarcH FinIngS

ResEarcH FinIngS

Affinity Map

Affinity Map

AHA! moments

Uncovering the Challenge

At the outset, we faced a conundrum. Loans typically involve professional operators who handle validation and contact. How can we automate this process? Additionally, users are confused by the variety of loan contracts, so adding another responsibility for them seems challenging.

These challenges led the team to explore every possibility to make the process smoother.

Cheer the benefits

On the other hand, the Hamyan card would help users validate just once, after which they can use it without any additional steps. Users also appreciate the integrated credit history, which boosts their trust in the app.

With these elements in place, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

Navigating Dual Challenges

First, we needed a clear, user-friendly way to convey these benefits to our users.
Second, we had to craft a seamless experience where Hamyan card and our services loan contracts, worked in perfect harmony.

AHA! moments

Uncovering the Challenge

At the outset, we faced a conundrum. Loans typically involve professional operators who handle validation and contact. How can we automate this process? Additionally, users are confused by the variety of loan contracts, so adding another responsibility for them seems challenging.

These challenges led the team to explore every possibility to make the process smoother.

Cheer the benefits

On the other hand, the Hamyan card would help users validate just once, after which they can use it without any additional steps. Users also appreciate the integrated credit history, which boosts their trust in the app.

With these elements in place, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place.

Navigating Dual Challenges

First, we needed a clear, user-friendly way to convey these benefits to our users.
Second, we had to craft a seamless experience where Hamyan card and our services loan contracts, worked in perfect harmony.

Design Explorations

What is the best way to display the credit amount? How can we make it easy for users to quickly find out the most important credit information? How can we help users quickly access their credit history? How can we increase the credit balance on Hamyan? What can users do if they do not have enough credit?

We had so many things to figure out!

An exciting aspect was brainstorming ideas for the Hamyan card and gathering requirements for its various states, such as default, deactivated, locked, and no credit. I suggested simulating a physical credit card shape to convey the credit concept to users.

I designed different states and added a cute emoticon icon in the top right corner of the card to express users’ feelings.

Design Explorations

What is the best way to display the credit amount? How can we make it easy for users to quickly find out the most important credit information? How can we help users quickly access their credit history? How can we increase the credit balance on Hamyan? What can users do if they do not have enough credit?

We had so many things to figure out!

An exciting aspect was brainstorming ideas for the Hamyan card and gathering requirements for its various states, such as default, deactivated, locked, and no credit. I suggested simulating a physical credit card shape to convey the credit concept to users.

I designed different states and added a cute emoticon icon in the top right corner of the card to express users’ feelings.

Take a deeper look

Take a deeper look

3 Generations

3 Generations



Test and Facts

We learned to be mindful of how every small change we made affected the entire system.

We iterated on prototypes and tested them through cognitive walk-throughs. Although our initial goal was to merge all loan contracts from various services into a single contract, technical limitations required them to be separated at this time.

Test and Facts​

We learned to be mindful of how every small change we made affected the entire system. We iterated on prototypes and tested them through cognitive walk-throughs. Although our initial goal was to merge all loan contracts from various services into a single contract, technical limitations required them to be separated at this time.​


Results and Impact

Our integration of the Hamyan Card with our app for loan contract services significantly improved the app's functionality. Users can now seamlessly manage their loan contracts, submit new contracts with no effort, and access their credit history, leading to a positive impact on their financial experiences. In the CRM report, the user satisfaction factor increased by 48% after implementing this feature.

Main Challenge and Lesson Learned

Taking on this project was a remarkable learning opportunity. Initially, I felt nervous and confused when I received a large amount of data from users. However, I quickly learned to trust my process to understand and find insights. Effective communication and daily stand-up meetings were essential in ensuring the project's success. Learning that every small design change affected the entire ecosystem of the app taught me to discern between what's urgent and what's important.

Next Steps

Next steps we planned on taking were:

1. Integrate the multiple loan contacts
2. Enhance the payment process for loan contracts
3. Make the app more accessible and easy to use


Results and Impact

Our integration of the Hamyan Card with our app for loan contract services significantly improved the app's functionality. Users can now seamlessly manage their loan contracts, submit new contracts with no effort, and access their credit history, leading to a positive impact on their financial experiences. In the CRM report, the user satisfaction factor increased by 48% after implementing this feature.

Main Challenge and Lesson Learned

Taking on this project was a remarkable learning opportunity. Initially, I felt nervous and confused when I received a large amount of data from users. However, I quickly learned to trust my process to understand and find insights. Effective communication and daily stand-up meetings were essential in ensuring the project's success. Learning that every small design change affected the entire ecosystem of the app taught me to discern between what's urgent and what's important.

Next Steps

Next steps we planned on taking were:

1. Integrate the multiple loan contacts
2. Enhance the payment process for loan contracts
3. Make the app more accessible and easy to use









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