NILOUFAR NOURI                                         ABOUT




Aqua App is a cloud-based platform for real-time monitoring of water quality and infrastructure. As the product designer, I created a user-friendly dashboard that simplifies complex data, helping users quickly understand alarms, make decisions, and ensure water safety.
The challenge was managing the huge amount of sensor data and choosing what’s most important for users to see. We began with in-depth research to understand user needs, which led to a clear, actionable interface. Aqua App empowers users to make smart decisions, keeping water systems safe and reliable.


Aqua App is a cloud-based platform for real-time monitoring of water quality and infrastructure. As the product designer, I created a user-friendly dashboard that simplifies complex data, helping users quickly understand alarms, make decisions, and ensure water safety.
The challenge was managing the huge amount of sensor data and choosing what’s most important for users to see. We began with in-depth research to understand user needs, which led to a clear, actionable interface. Aqua App empowers users to make smart decisions, keeping water systems safe and reliable.


I had the opportunity to work as a product designer on a cloud-based app for real-time monitoring and analysis of water quality parameters and infrastructure conditions, facilitating decision-making and maintenance to ensure water safety and infrastructure stability.

The objective was to design a user-friendly dashboard to present real-time monitoring and analysis of water quality parameters and infrastructure conditions in an intuitive manner, enabling users to comprehend alarms and take prompt, appropriate actions.

The sensor returns tons of data each second, and the first question was, which of these data should be shown on the app and which are less important? In what situations do users use the app? What are they expected to get from the app?

We had lots of questions that needed to be answered! We started with RESEARCH!


I had the opportunity to work as a product designer on a cloud-based app for real-time monitoring and analysis of water quality parameters and infrastructure conditions, facilitating decision-making and maintenance to ensure water safety and infrastructure stability.

The objective was to design a user-friendly dashboard to present real-time monitoring and analysis of water quality parameters and infrastructure conditions in an intuitive manner, enabling users to comprehend alarms and take prompt, appropriate actions.

The sensor returns tons of data each second, and the first question was, which of these data should be shown on the app and which are less important? In what situations do users use the app? What are they expected to get from the app?

We had lots of questions that needed to be answered! We started with RESEARCH!


As it was not easy to find the real end-users at this step, we started with discovery sessions by stakeholders and competitive audits. During the discovery sessions, I gathered a lot of data, and the image of the persona started to form in my mind.

After gathering general information about the target users, I began the competitive analysis, searching for different applications that display various sensor data to users, such as smart homes. I benchmarked them and created a table showing their features, advantages, disadvantages, and most importantly, the gaps they have.

My task was to categorize the data on the dashboard for easy user access, ensuring immediate understanding of the sensors' overall situation without extra effort. Additionally, I aimed to construct an interface reflecting the company's dedication to innovation and technology. By using my expertise as a Product designer, I applied user-centric design principles to craft an intuitive and visually engaging platform for real-time sensor monitoring.


As it was not easy to find the real end-users at this step, we started with discovery sessions by stakeholders and competitive audits. During the discovery sessions, I gathered a lot of data, and the image of the persona started to form in my mind.

After gathering general information about the target users, I began the competitive analysis, searching for different applications that display various sensor data to users, such as smart homes. I benchmarked them and created a table showing their features, advantages, disadvantages, and most importantly, the gaps they have.

My task was to categorize the data on the dashboard for easy user access, ensuring immediate understanding of the sensors' overall situation without extra effort. Additionally, I aimed to construct an interface reflecting the company's dedication to innovation and technology. By using my expertise as a Product designer, I applied user-centric design principles to craft an intuitive and visually engaging platform for real-time sensor monitoring.


Now that I had a list of features from the analysis, it was a great time to brainstorm. We understood our users and knew what they liked best. Now, it's our chance to get creative and give users something unique.

So we did ideating through How might we and crazy eights methods with a focus on the gaps that other applications didn’t answer yet. Here you can see some of these ideas:
1. Show the data with pictures and graphs.
2. Less data is better to understand.
3. The notification is the most important part, don’t waste it with unnecessary information.
4. Community will be helpful in case of getting confused or need help. It can even boost trust.


Now that I had a list of features from the analysis, it was a great time to brainstorm. We understood our users and knew what they liked best. Now, it's our chance to get creative and give users something unique.

So we did ideating through How might we and crazy eights methods with a focus on the gaps that other applications didn’t answer yet. Here you can see some of these ideas:
1. Show the data with pictures and graphs.
2. Less data is better to understand.
3. The notification is the most important part, don’t waste it with unnecessary information.
4. Community will be helpful in case of getting confused or need help. It can even boost trust.


Then we went through the sitemap. We put everything in order to make the flow and navigation easy and smooth for users.
You can see the sitemap here:


Then we went through the sitemap. We put everything in order to make the flow and navigation easy and smooth for users.
You can see the sitemap here:

Visual Design

then we started to sketch the screens.
You can see the sitemap here:

Visual Design

then we started to sketch the screens.
You can see the sitemap here:



Show a graphical view of each factor’s data

Show a graphical view of each factor’s data

On a map show different sensor places and info

On a map show different sensor places and info




After sketching, we went through many iterations based on feedback that we received during design sessions. Then, wireframing and prototyping were done based on the final sketches.


After sketching, we went through many iterations based on feedback that we received during design sessions. Then, wireframing and prototyping were done based on the final sketches.



Usability Testing

Our product team conducted usability tests to ensure a thorough understanding of user needs and pain points. The goal was to identify areas for improvement and determine the specific challenges well-owners faced when using the app. We aimed to uncover insights that would inform our design decisions and simplify their processes.

We gathered valuable feedback from well-owners through usability testing, observation sessions, and in-depth interviews. We explored their interactions with the interactive prototypes and identified pain points and areas of frustration.

We understood that users don’t check the history on the main page. So we decided to change it and put the history on a separate screen.

Usability Testing

Our product team conducted usability tests to ensure a thorough understanding of user needs and pain points. The goal was to identify areas for improvement and determine the specific challenges well-owners faced when using the app. We aimed to uncover insights that would inform our design decisions and simplify their processes.

We gathered valuable feedback from well-owners through usability testing, observation sessions, and in-depth interviews. We explored their interactions with the interactive prototypes and identified pain points and areas of frustration.

We understood that users don’t check the history on the main page. So we decided to change it and put the history on a separate screen.

On the map, users struggled to understand the meaning of our icons. We initially thought they were clear, but after testing, we added a manual for icons on the map.

By addressing user pain points, we aimed to provide a seamless experience that allowed users to monitor and manage their water health effectively. We achieved a 20% improvement in the number and duration of task completions, which shows our efforts had positive results for our users.

By addressing user pain points, we aimed to provide a seamless experience that allowed users to monitor and manage their water health effectively. We achieved a 20% improvement in the number and duration of task completions, which shows our efforts had positive results for our users.

High-Fidelity Mockups

High-Fidelity Mockups

The Result

Our efforts to design a user-friendly cloud-based dashboard for Aquasens' real-time sensor have produced positive results. Since the app has not yet been published, we haven't been able to measure its success by traditional metrics. However, we conducted usability testing at different stages of the project. In the latest test, we observed a 20% increase in end-task completion time, indicating that we were heading in the right direction.

The Result

Our efforts to design a user-friendly cloud-based dashboard for Aquasens' real-time sensor have produced positive results. Since the app has not yet been published, we haven't been able to measure its success by traditional metrics. However, we conducted usability testing at different stages of the project. In the latest test, we observed a 20% increase in end-task completion time, indicating that we were heading in the right direction.

What I Learned

Taking on this project provided an invaluable learning experience. Initially, I aimed to provide users with all the important information, presenting it through charts and graphical views for easy comprehension. However, through usability testing, I discovered that this approach not only failed to assist users but also led to confusion. This experience taught me the importance of determining the appropriate amount of information for users. Too much information can be misleading, while too little can cause confusion. Testing with real users is essential to strike the right balance, as their needs are crucial.

What I Learned

Taking on this project provided an invaluable learning experience. Initially, I aimed to provide users with all the important information, presenting it through charts and graphical views for easy comprehension. However, through usability testing, I discovered that this approach not only failed to assist users but also led to confusion. This experience taught me the importance of determining the appropriate amount of information for users. Too much information can be misleading, while too little can cause confusion. Testing with real users is essential to strike the right balance, as their needs are crucial.

Next Step

For the next step, I am going to work on two main parts:

1. Improve accessibility
2. Improve the notifications section

Next Step

For the next step, I am going to work on two main parts:

1. Improve accessibility
2. Improve the notifications section









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